Does Yelling at Kids Really Work? Here’s What Science Says About It…

Last Updated: May 22, 2024By

When your kids misbehave or don’t behave the way you want them to, your first reaction is to yell at them so that they listen to you. But the question is, does yelling at your kids work? Studies show that yelling at your kids can have a detrimental effect on them.

Even though it might seem that yelling at your kids fosters discipline, it also causes them a lot of mental stress. This stress might ultimately lead to bigger issues such as anxiety, fear, depression, and others. In this article, you will see some of the scientific reasons why yelling might not work for disciplining your children and how it can be bad for them. So, let’s have a look at it. 

Scientific Reasons Why Yelling at Kids Does Not Work 

Parenting is very challenging, and there are moments when a parent might lose their calm and yell at their child. However, if you know the effects it can have on the mental well-being of your little ones, then you might not do it. Below, we have mentioned some of the common scientific reasons that will show you how yelling is not the right way to discipline your kid. 

Kids Do Not Learn When Scared 

When your child is scared, their fight-or-flight mode is activated, which means they are hyper-alert, but their learning centers in the brain shut down. This also means that when you are yelling at your children, they are not able to understand or learn what you are trying to teach them because they are scared. 

When their brains are shut down, they are not able to perceive what you are trying to teach them. Therefore, yelling or shouting at your kids will not do any good; instead, it will make them fearful and scared of you. This is why it is important to communicate your message in a peaceful and calm manner. This will allow them to perceive the message much more quickly, and your child will also feel safe with you. 

Yelling can Make Them Anxious and Depressed 

A lot of studies have been done on children, and it is seen that kids who are led are more prone to having anxiety or depression. When children make a mistake, their parents must teach them in a soothing manner or a way that will stimulate their anxiety, and parents who yell at their children can trigger stress in them. 

It is also seen that in an environment where children are continuously yelled at, they can have a series of negative thoughts as well. They will be prone to negativity, and also this develops into a high level of depression. Therefore, it is never an excellent choice to yell at your kids as it will make them anxious, fearful, and even depressed in the long term. 

Yelling Interferes with the Bonding of Parents 

A child’s connection with his parents is the purest form of connection. A kid trusts his parents like no other, but when the kid experiences yelling and shouting from them, it can put their relationship online. When a parent yells at their child, it can become hard to show empathy, and it can show them that you don’t love them, or you don’t care about them. 

Therefore, after some time, you might feel that your relationship with your child is not as strong as it should be or that you feel disconnected from them all the time. There have been many instances when the bond between a child and his parents became weak because of constant yelling. 

Makes Children Feel Devalued 

One of the primary needs of a human is to be valued and to have self-worth. Even a kid wants to be valued in front of their family, but when we are yelled at and shouted at, it can cause the feeling of inadequacy. When you are yelling at your child instead of being polite to them, you need to remember that it is causing them to self-doubt, and they might feel devalued by their parents. Hence, this is another reason why yelling is not a good choice of action when you are trying to teach your child something. 

How to be a Better Parent without Yelling? 

No parent likes to shout or get angry at their child, but sometimes, the situation might feel too much, and it can cause them to lash out at their children. However, now that you know yelling and shouting at your children can have a negative impact on their mental well-being, it is important to find other ways to teach them discipline.

Staying calm and composed when your child has done something wrong might feel very difficult, but this is the best thing you can do for them. Taking deep breaths and then confronting your child in a manner can help convey the message to them. 

It is very important that you, as a parent, set some rules and regulations in the house. You need to set clear expectations and even tell the consequences of your actions, which can reduce the yelling and shouting in the household. It is also essential to reward your child’s good behavior. This will make them feel loved and valued and will also force them to do better things. 

Active listening can also be something that you can start with your child, and it will reduce the yelling. Listening to your child’s needs will help you bond with them better and better understand their character without any conflicts or yelling. 


Parenting without yelling might seem impossible, but with the right steps, it is totally possible. Shouting at your child can have many negative impacts on their mental well-being. It is very important that you teach your child the right way to behave in a polite and gentle manner and not by yelling at them. Therefore, we hope this article was beneficial for you, and now you know the reasons why yelling might not be as effective as it seems.

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