How To Get Your Kids to Do Their Homework (7 Practical Tips)

Last Updated: May 22, 2024By Tags:

Almost all parents wonder “how to motivate a child to do homework.” It’s not always difficult to get kids to complete their homework. It can even be enjoyable! When parents actively help their children with their homework, it demonstrates to the children the value of their work and increases their performance in school. 

Naturally, aiding with homework shouldn’t need spending a lot of time bent over a desk. Parents can help their children by modeling good study and effective techniques, breaking down a difficult problem, or merely telling them to take a break. Who knows? Parents may even pick up a few tips from this guide.

How to Motivate a Child to Do Homework?

Here are some pointers to help you along. Follow these strategies to help your kids to do their homework. 

Know the Teachers and What They’re Looking for

Go to school events, like parent-teacher meetings, to get to know your child’s teachers. Find out about their homework rules and your role in them. Participate in events and use digital communication tools such as Google Meet to keep yourself updated on your child’s progress and any areas that require attention. Gaining an understanding of the objectives, goals, and evaluation techniques used by the teachers enables you to better assist your child’s learning at home.

Set up a Homework-friendly Area

If you haven’t already, you should set up a room at home where your child can concentrate on their schoolwork. Make sure your child’s study space is stocked with all the tools and resources they might require, including textbooks, rulers, pens, paper, and pencils. Keeping these supplies close at hand reduces distractions and aids in your child’s ability to concentrate on their work.

Give your child access to a table or desk with strong legs and comfortable seats so they can work for extended amounts of time. Make sure the room is well-organized using storage options like shelves, boxes, or drawers to keep materials stacked neatly and conveniently. Nobody knows your child better than you. So, before setting up a study area where they may complete their assignments, you might need to find and cut off their distractions.

Schedule a Regular Study Time

Setting a regular study time for your child means creating a reliable daily schedule that allows particular hours for homework, ideally during their moments of highest focus. Some children work better in the afternoon after playtime and a snack; others might rather wait until after supper. 

Once you’ve determined a good time, make sure your kids understand the timetable and that everyone in the home supports and respects this allocated study time. Since consistency is important, try your best to adhere to the timetable and only make changes when absolutely necessary. Establish a schedule for studying, beginning with a short break to switch from other activities to assignments.

Keep Distractions to a Minimum

Reducing outside distractions when your child is doing homework is essential to keeping them focused and increasing their output. Establish a separate study area that is calm, orderly, and free of electronics like TVs, phones, and tablets unless such things are required for the task. 

Make sure that homework policies are well-defined and cope with the value of using this time for focused study sessions. To avoid unneeded breaks, make sure that all required materials, including books, stationery, and a cozy chair, are easily accessible. 

Make Sure Kids Do Their Own Work

For the sake of their education and growth, parents must make sure that their children complete their homework on their own. Rather than giving straight answers, be available to guide others towards independence. Pose open-ended questions to encourage critical thinking and independent problem-solving. 

Establish a nurturing atmosphere that views errors as teaching moments to build confidence and problem-solving abilities. Instead of scolding them, help them learn from their mistakes and assist them in correcting those mistakes in the future. This will give them a sense of confidence. 

Be a Motivator and a Mentor

It takes a proactive and encouraging approach to be your child’s homework monitor and motivator. Start by demonstrating your interest in and involvement in their education by often asking about their homework, examinations, and quizzes. This helps your child stay on top of their education and keeps you updated at the same time. 

It is your responsibility as a mentor to assist and help your child while they pursue their academic and personal goals. This includes giving counsel, imparting knowledge, and presenting viewpoints drawn from your own experiences and expertise. Make yourself accessible to your child so that you can hear about their worries, provide directions, and assist them in overcoming any obstacles.

Praise their Work and Efforts

Giving your kids credit for their hard work and efforts is a great method to encourage positive behavior and give them more self-assurance. When your child finishes something or succeeds, give them some credit for it, whether it’s passing an exam or producing a beautiful piece of art. 

Express your gratitude to them verbally for their hard work and dedication, highlighting the effort they made to reach their objective.  Showcasing their accomplishments, such as a flawless exam or art piece, throughout the house, like on the refrigerator, sends a strong message of joy and pride. It demonstrates to your kid the worth of their achievements and their deservingness of praise. 


Assignments and homework are vital. However, other factors are much more crucial, such as accountability, dedication, curiosity, and a love of learning. All homework is really a means to these more ambitious ends. When you find yourself about to lose your temper over homework, remember this. You and your kids will find that homework time is more enjoyable as you implement the seven suggestions. The bond between you and your child will also get better.

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